In October 2022 we published the Spanish translation of Lukáš Likavčan’s Introduction to Comparative Planetology. The text analyzes visual cultures of Earth imagery from the perspective of the geopolitics of the climate crisis. It compares different “figures” of the planet — Planetary, Global, Terrestrial, Earth-without-us, and Phantom Earth — and assesses their geopolitical implications.
In times of advancing privatisation and technologisation of prisons a call for a new abolitinism for the 21st century emerges: let’s abolish the prisons. Angela Y. Davis examines the roots of today’s prison-industrial complex in the USA, its racism and sexism, and suggests possible alternatives to incarceration.
Language: Czech
Original title: Are Prisons Obsolete?
December 2021, 132 pages, format 105×180 mm
In October 2022 we published in Spanish a second edition of Pienso, luego colapso, a book of texts, poems and aphorisms by El Pasajero (pseudonym), member of the bands Ultratomba and Floristería Mateo Morral, among others.
On 11 January 2021 our publishing coop UTOPIA LIBRI came into being. We are embarking on a journey crossing the borders of topics, genres and languages. We shall meet together on the intersection of ideas from horizontal and anti-authoritarian social movements, especially anarchism and (anarcha)feminism, with a critical view on the climatic crisis, the current sociopolitical situation and technologies of power; we shall also make detours into the history of struggles for emancipation and will not avoid issues of human rights in the context of today’s globalised world.

Even though our publishing coop has been just created, we feel an affinity to the publications and activities of these collectives and groups:
- Nakladatelství Neklid — we worked on most of Neklid’s books
- Anarchistický festival knihy — Prague’s anarchist bookfair
- Nakladatelství Anarchistické federace — publications of the Anarchist Federation
- Nakladatelství Broken Books
- Online daily A2LARM
- D-zona — an autonomous space dedicated to (self-)educational, knowledge-sharing, creative, and co-working activities.
- Roleta 39 - a coop printing and crafts workshop
- Black seeds — a coop importing, roasting and distributing coffee from Mexican zapatistas