Alexander Ač, Zbyněk Baladrán, Pavel Barša, Nikola Benčová, FRAG (Adam Trbušek, Artur Magrot, Václav Janoščík, Filip Hauer, Viktor Takáč a Jakub Rajnoch), Kristýna Gajdošová a Jannes Snyers, Katarína Hládeková, Petra Hlaváčková, Zuzana Janečková, Dávid Koronczi, Bob Kuřík, Vojtěch Pecka, Daniela Ponomarevová, David Přílučík, Jelisaveta Rapaić, Eva Rybářová, Maja Štefančíková, Veronika Vlková, Markéta Zandlová, Ladislav Zikmund-Lender
An Incomplete Atlas of Regeneration attempts to map out possible escape routes from the parallel crises accompanying the end of Holocene and the beginning of Anthropocene. A great many formerly self-evident terms, values and supports that propped up our lives are now transforming or even collapsing. We are simultaneously the originators, the witnesses, the perpetrators and the victims of radical and accelerating changes which bring new problems, ones connected to the exploitation of the biosphere and the loss of biodiversity, the destabilization of the climate, the global economy’s dependence on fossil fuels and economic growth, the penetration of digital platforms into all spheres of life and its omnipresent soft manipulation, the crisis of subjectivity and crisis of shared values. Pointed productivism and the compulsion towards discipline, exploitation and efficiency have brought us to the brink of personal, social, and planetary exhaustion. There emerges a need to find new formulations of solutions to these new problems. We believe that searching for adequate forms of regeneration, renewal and rest must become one of the most important axes of political life in the 21st century. If fatigue is not followed by rest and regeneration, the result is the irreversible, drastic transition into a different state; in other words: a collapse.
Language: Czech
February 2022, 208 pages, format 105×180 mm, colour illustrations
Graphic desing: Petr Bosák, Robert Jansa
(20YY Designers)
ISBN 978-80-214-6035-5 (Fakulta výtvarných umění VUT)
ISBN 978-80-908192-3-8 (UTOPIA LIBRI)
Price: 330 CZK
The book can be ordered from the ArtMap bookshop or PageFive